This part of the photo gallery includes images from a different and unique perspective. Photos taken from an unexpected point of view brings drama and excitement to the image. The photo starts with an artistic concept to turn a standard or a typical way to view a scene or photo and with the camera, and alter it in a way to capture the image from an unexpected angle or perspective of view. This artistic interpretation is considered “Out-of-the-Box” thinking. Creative use of existing or artificial light enhances the photograph.

Next, the digital image is transformed and enhanced with techniques involving Photoshop manipulation and the use of special filters to alter and enhance the image to make it truly unique.

Some of my unique “Signature techniques” you will see in my images is the use of foreground and background objects. The camera is shooting from an unexpected point of perspective of view the scene. In night shots, I will ad drama to twinkle lights by making them streak to enhance action and movement. In my romantic images I use a soft focus vignette on the outer edge to strengthen the romantic dreamy feel of the image. All artsy photograph taking is done on an appropriate level and is not over done to take away from the emotion and feel of the event.